Lead and Copper Letter

Recently, a notice was mailed to all customers regarding unknown service line materials to comply with the federal Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR). This is a blanket notice containing specific required information per the LCRR to customers whose service line material may be unknown to us; this is not a warning or indicator of any elevated lead levels in the water. For information on lead and copper testing results, please see our most recent water quality report. The Authority's lead and copper levels are consistently below DEP/EPA action levels and an orthophosphate additive is used as a part of corrosion control treatment to ensure leaching of any plumbing materials into water is reduced or eliminated.

If your service line was installed in 1980 or later, due to the rules and regulations of service, you do not have a lead service line and can disregard this notification. The Authority has a plan in place to identify the materials of all service lines in the system within the next three years. If you have documentation that indicates the material of your service line - such as an invoice from a service line replacement - please contact us so we can add them to our records. Please note, it is the Authority's policy to replace any lead found in the distribution system and a separate notification would be sent to any customers in the event that a lead or galvanized service line is discovered. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to our office using our contact form or by phone at 412-828-7220.